One of our OFL team members, Kari, is an excellent researcher. Every morning she pores over numerous news sites, online magazines, and aggregator sites; picks the top three or four pieces that will be the most helpful; and sends them to me. I’ve specifically asked Kari to gather articles from pro-abortion sources, so I can keep tabs on the worldview, thinking, and strategy of the pro-abortion movement.
I’ll be candid: reading these articles is not my favorite part of the day. Here are a few recent examples she sent to me.
There was an article about a movement to place Margaret Sanger’s face on the $20 bill. Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an overt racist and sterilization advocate.
ThinkProgress is constantly pushing so-called “reproductive rights,” and this piece bemoaned the fact that America is not keeping up with the world in championing abortion freedoms:
“While we do have a federal constitutional right [to abortion], states are taking aim at that in different ways and really trying to chip away at that right in a piecemeal fashion,” Amanda Allen, the state legislative counsel at the Center for Reproductive Rights, told ThinkProgress. She described the political activity since the 2010 elections as “a sustained assault on reproductive rights.” (emphasis mine)
Lies, myths, and more lies. The “sustained assault on reproductive rights” is an inherently discriminatory dogma, considering that the pro-abortion movement wants to protect the contrived reproductive right to abort for only a certain class of females—those who are born. In other words, Allen and her pro-abortion allies are fine with killing millions of females whom they deem unworthy of any rights, all in the name of protecting women’s rights. It’s convoluted and deceitful.
However, the articles that bother me the most are those featuring people of faith or church leaders who promote the mass killing of God’s human creations.
The wife of an Alabama pastor defended her work at a local abortion clinic, claiming, “I feel that we have all sinned. None of us are perfect. No sin is greater than any sin. I don’t know why, other than that’s the only decision [abortion] that a woman could make” … “That’s her right to make that decision, because that’s her body.”
A Presbyterian Church (USA) in New Orleans recently held an impromptu rally for Planned Parenthood. They posted a statement on their website celebrating the event:
Recently First Presbyterian opened our doors to a [sic] impromptu Planned Parenthood rally that was enthusiastically attended by more than 200 supporters, including Councilwomen Latoya Cantrell and Susan Guidry, both of whom are passionately and consistently concerned about the state of health care in our city. We are looking forward to further events and lobbying our government in Baton Rouge for more funding for mental and physical health services in Louisiana.
First Presbyterian is committed to caring for the bodies as well as the souls of our community and supports the work that Planned Parenthood is doing in our neighborhood to build a heath care center.
While First Presbyterian is “committed to caring for the bodies as well as the souls of our community,” apparently it’s only for the bodies and souls of human beings already born. Otherwise, unborn human beings are fair game for being ripped limb from limb, or destroyed with deadly chemicals.
As I continue my education to understand the worldviews, perspectives, and theological foundations of the pro-abortion movement, I keep coming back to two fundamental questions that every pro-lifer needs to ask themselves:
- Should we end abortion?
- Can we end abortion?
The first question is not intended to offend anyone. Most pro-lifers would incredulously answer, “Of course!” And that is most certainly my answer.
However, you might be unpleasantly surprised to hear the answers given by people who claim a pro-life ethic yet unveil a modified and dangerous view when they’re pressed to respond to more specific examples:
- “What about babies conceived in rape? Should every baby conceived in rape be protected from abortion?”
- “What about babies with birth defects or difficult medical conditions?”
- “What about children who won’t survive for long outside the womb?”
- “What about babies born in poverty?”
And, unfortunately, this question:
- “What about black babies born in crime-riddled neighborhoods?”
We may not like some people’s answers to these questions.
There are numerous reasons why abortion is still legal in America. A lack of education about abortion and its cruel and devastating impact on society, as well as abortion’s enormous popularity (an estimated 1.2 million abortions are performed in America each year) are just some of the primary reasons why abortion still exists.
However, I believe one of the other major drivers of abortion is a lack of strong, unified consensus to the question, “Should we end abortion?”
Many Americans think third-trimester abortions are REALLY bad, but first-trimester abortions are somehow okay. And yet, is killing a 3-year-old worse than killing a 1-year-old? Unfortunately, this incorrect view may be influenced in part by legislation aimed at protecting only a certain age of baby in the womb. This leads to an unconscious belief that an unborn 7-month-old baby is worth more than an unborn 2-week-old baby. So “Should we end abortion?” is answered with, “Yes, as long as the baby is of a certain age.”
In fact, those of us who maintain that all unborn human life—regardless of the circumstances of conception or the health of the child—should be protected by law are now labeled as “extreme.” Think about that—the people who want all human beings to have a fair shot at life are considered to be the crazy, fundamental outsiders.
Okay, let’s play with that logic for a moment:
- If a white man wants to kill a black man, he’s rightly considered racist or a member of the KKK. He is an extremist. But if a white abortion doctor kills a black unborn baby, he’s just doing his job and helping a woman exercise her reproductive rights.
- If a woman were to kill her disabled 8-year-old son, we’d consider her cruel and merciless. Her actions would be extreme. Yet, if through genetic testing a woman discovers that her unborn son has a disability and then chooses to kill him, we buy the lie that it would be “unfair” for her to bring her baby into the world.
- If a couple decided to kill a few of their kids because they were struggling financially and unable to make ends meet, we’d think they were crazy. Their actions would be considered extreme. But if parents choose to kill their unborn child because of those same financial struggles, our society praises them for exhibiting financially responsible behavior.
A TV star I’m not familiar with, Jemima Kirke, recently opened up about her abortion. Her explanation for why she killed her child? Her life “was not conducive to raising a happy, healthy child.” If Ms. Kirke had a 3-year-old daughter and decided to kill her as well, because her life “was not conducive to raising” kids, would our culture respond as positively as they did to her choice to kill her unborn child?
No, because the unborn in America are the most hated, most discriminated against, and most neglected class of people in the history of our country.
Here’s my point: The only morally acceptable, sane worldview is the one that protects all unborn human life from harm and death.
“Should we end abortion?” The answer is yes—and no just society can answer any other way.
The second question, “Can we end abortion?” is simply a matter of our commitment to the first question. If we really believe we should end abortion, then the answer to the second question is also yes.
Our beliefs drive our actions. When William Wilberforce, the 19th century English abolitionist, asked if legalized slavery should be ended, he committed himself to the necessary actions based on his answer. When Martin Luther King Jr. asked if civil rights should be extended to blacks and other minorities, his actions flowed from his beliefs. When Susan B. Anthony asked if women should have the right to vote, her actions followed her beliefs.
Can abortion be ended? How firm is our answer? How committed are we to that reality? How convicted are we that abortion is still ridiculously common and available in our country? How horrified are we at the death, destruction, and pain that abortion brings?
Can we end abortion? That, my friends, is entirely up to you and I.
The post Should We End Abortion…Can We End Abortion? appeared first on Online for Life.